Αυτό είναι το νέο single της Britney Spears

«I’ll never tell, tell on myself but I hope she smells my perfume» τραγουδάει η ανανεωμένη Britney Spears-Ακούστε το νέο της τραγούδι!

Το νέο single της Britney Spears με τίτλο «Perfume» κυκλοφόρησε, ενθουσιάζοντας τους θαυμαστές της και κάνοντας τους κριτικούς να μιλάνε για μία για μια old school Britney.

Η ίδια πάντως το πόσταρε στο Twtitter της, συνοδεύοντάς το με τη φράση: «Είναι σαν να σας δίνω ένα κομμάτι απ’ την καρδιά μου»

Ακολουθούν τo video και τα lyrics του τραγουδιού, που μιλάει για μια αγάπη που τελείωσε άδοξα.

Do I imagine it, or do I see your stare
Is there still longing there?
Oh I hate myself, and I feel crazy
Such a classic tale
Current girl friend, ex girlfriend, I’m trying to be cool
Am I being paranoid, am I seeing things?
Am I just insecure?

I want to believe
It’s just you and me
Sometimes it feels like there’s three
of us in here baby

So I, wait for you to call
And I try to act natural
have you been thinking ’bout her or about me
And while I wait I put on my perfume, yeah I want it all over you
I gotta mark my territory

I’ll never tell, tell on myself but I hope she smells my perfume
I’ll never tell, tell on myself but I hope she smells your perfume
I hide it well, hope you can’t tell but I hope she smells my perfume
I hide it well, hope you can’t tell but I hope she smells my perfume

I wanna fill the room, when she’s in it with you
Please don’t forget me
Do I imagine it, or catch these moments
I know you got history

But I’m your girlfriend, now I’m your girlfriend trying to be cool
I hope I’m paranoid, that I’m just seeing things
That I’m just insecure

I want to believe
It’s just you and me
Sometimes it feels like there’s three
of us in here baby

So I, wait for you to call
And I try to act natural
have you been thinking ’bout her or about me
And while I wait I put on my perfume, yeah I want it all over you
I gotta mark my territory

I’ll never tell, tell on myself but I hope she smells my perfume
I’ll never tell, tell on myself but I hope she smells your perfume
I hide it well, hope you can’t tell but I hope she smells my perfume
I hide it well, hope you can’t tell but I hope she smells my perfume

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