Ο Μίλτος Τεντόγλου και το ΖΑΓΟΡΙ Φυσικό Μεταλλικό Νερό συνεχίζουν τη συνεργασία τους για δεύτερη χρονιά και είναι έτοιμοι να αντιμετωπίσουν τις νέες προκλήσεις.
Thank You! to all our health heroes, as much on the front lines today as they were in 1918. #MuseumsThankHealthHeroes
— Woodrow Wilson House (@WWilsonHouse) April 1, 2020
🎨Harrison Fisher, ca 1917, Woodrow Wilson House Collection) #MuseumsFromHome pic.twitter.com/UKtedg43rO
More than 100 years ago, Lewis W. Hine photographed this Red Cross nurse and a patient. Today, we join many museums to thank nurses, doctors, paramedics and healthcare professionals, who continue to work for the health and wellness of society. Thank you. #MuseumsThankHealthHeroes pic.twitter.com/quvkSroZ7n
— National Gallery of Canada (@NatGalleryCan) April 1, 2020
Today, we're joining museums around the world for #MuseumsThankHealthHeroes! Thank you to all the healthcare workers and frontline staff who are working 24/7 to keep us healthy and safe during this difficult time. ❤️
— Women in the Arts (NMWA) (@WomenInTheArts) April 1, 2020
📷: #MaryEllenMark, "Nurses Working, Novartis - China," 2012 pic.twitter.com/AfIT0JICqZ
— Wood Library-Museum (@WLMHQ) April 3, 2020
This oil painting depicts surgery from the front, focusing on the anesthesiologist and the tools he needs to keep a patient alive. Thank you to our anesthesiologists, doctors, nurses, and all other healthcare workers. You are amazing! pic.twitter.com/rjbGH4QArh
Today we join the museum community to thank the healthcare workers, caretakers, hospital maintenance workers, and all who are on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. We're sharing this #EdwardHopper drawing of a nurse and child in the park for #MuseumsThankHealthHeroes today. pic.twitter.com/aQGV0fqKGK
— Whitney Museum (@whitneymuseum) April 1, 2020
— Museum at FIT (@museumatFIT) April 1, 2020
Nurses are essential healthcare workers, especially in times of war and sickness. The distinctive uniform – cap and starch white collar, cuffs, and smock – was developed during the mid-19th century.
American Red Cross nurse uniforms, c.1918 and 1941-45 pic.twitter.com/EVNP5Hg1ct
To the doctors, nurses, & medical personnel, we cannot thank you enough for your hard work, but we will try. #MuseumsThankHealthHeroes // An undated photo of a dr. examining a girl. CHM, ICHi-026150. Nurse Florence Watson treats Lovie Bernard, Chicago, 1970. ST-19030953-0005, CHM pic.twitter.com/fDbjlW25DG
— ChicagoHistoryMuseum (@ChicagoMuseum) April 1, 2020