O νέος έρωτας της φεμινίστριας Ρόουζ ΜακΓκόουαν είναι μοντέλο 28 ετών... αλλά ούτε άνδρας ούτε γυναίκα

O νέος έρωτας της φεμινίστριας Ρόουζ ΜακΓκόουαν είναι μοντέλο 28 ετών... αλλά ούτε άνδρας ούτε γυναίκα

«Όλοι είμαστε ανδρόγυνοι, το φύλο είναι ανθρώπινο δημιούργημα» είχε πει παλαιότερα το 28χρονο μοντέλο

Νέος έρωτας για την Ρόουζ ΜακΓκόουαν, τη μάχιμη φεμινίστρια που δίνει προσωπική μάχη τα τελευταία χρόνια με τον σεξισμό και τον μισογυνισμό στο Χόλιγουντ.

H ΜακΓκόουαν, που έχει γίνει περισσότερο γνωστή εξαιτίας των καταγγελιών της περί βιασμού από τον Χάρβεϊ Γουάινστιν και των προσπαθειών της τα τελευταία χρόνια να αποκαλύψει τη δράση του διεφθαρμένου παραγωγού, βρήκε ξανά τον έρωτα με έναν... αντισυμβατικό σύντροφο.

Πρόκειται για το 28χρονο μοντέλο από τη Νέα Υόρκη Rain Dove, που δεν αυτοχαρακτηρίζεται ούτε ως άνδρας ούτε ως γυναίκα, αλλά ως άτομο non-binary, δηλαδή με απροσδιόριστη ταυτότητα φύλου.

My strength does not come from my clothing. No matter what I wear whether my choice or not- I guarantee I will still be me. Because I'll be damned if I let something as simple as Cloth be my shackles. We are stronger than fabric. More purposeful than politics. And here for a reason so much more magnificent than making our appearances fuckable. There's more reason to life than potential orgasms, genitalia and lust. I know that may sound crazy but- its true. #SocietyChoseThisGarmentBasedOnMyBirthCertificate #DoesntBotherMe #lovetheskinyourein #FabricIsntAPrison #lgbtqpiadkh #lgbt #genderfluid #genderreveal #tomboy #janegirl #IamI #KeepItUp #WBW

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) στις


Η Rain Dove γεννήθηκε γυναίκα ωστόσο η αρρενωπή της εμφάνιση από μικρή ηλικία την έκαναν να αμφισβητήσει τον αυστηρό διαχωρισμό των ανθρώπων με βάση το φύλο. Η 28χρονη με το εντυπωσιακό ύψος εργάζεται τα τελευταία χρόνια ως μοντέλο γυναικείων αλλά και ανδρικών ρούχων, ωστόσο παλαιότερα είχε εργαστεί ακόμα και ως πυροσβέστης, παριστάνοντας τον άνδρα για έναν χρόνο.

«Πιστεύω ότι όλοι είμαστε ανδρόγυνοι. Το φύλο είναι δικό μας δημιούργημα. Δεν θέλω να είμαι ούτε άνδρας ούτε γυναίκα, γιατί απλά δεν είμαι αποκλειστικά τίποτε από τα δύο», ανέφερε το 28χρονο μοντέλο σε παλαιότερή της συνέντευξη στο Buzzfeed.

"No apologies" my response to #potus #donaldtrump memo for "Women to dress like Women" in the White House. I'm boycotting #NYFW this season to show that runways and billboards should not dictate the way we see what is "acceptable". No one- not an ad agency, a celebrity, or even the president should be the one we look to for how we should be our best self. You know YOU. Don't dress as a "gender" or "sex"- dress as the most effective and comfortable version of yourself because when you are the best you you are able to give your best to the world so we can give our best too. Watch the full statement via the link in my bio. This was shot in collaboration with fair trade, equal opportunity, conscientious brand @tomboyx . And as always please share if this message might help someone you know! #lovewins #tomboy #genderfluid #genderdoesntexist #gendercapitalist #gobeyondthestreets #lgbt #qpia #h #clothingisjustfabricitsnotaprison

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) στις

Η τελευταία σχέση της Ρόουζ ΜακΓκόουαν, μετά το διαζύγιό της το 2016, ήταν με τον μουσικό παραγωγό Boots. Μεταξύ των παλαιότερων συντρόφων της φεμινίστριας ήταν και ο ρόκερ Marilyn Manson.

I’m not a boy. I’m not a girl either. I am an I. A Being in a vessel that can not accurately be compared to another Being’s. My genitals are not the same as yours. My kidneys are not the same as yours. My tastebuds are not the same as yours. My nipples are not the same as yours. My toes are not the same as yours. We are not ants. And even they are infinitely different when you look closely. When it comes to labels I let You label me as You see fit. Your definitions are for You to have and they are valid in their own right- You will only know what you allow yourself to know. And if You don’t know me personally it is a natural instinct to fill in the blanks. How You Define me does not Confine me. The label you give me personally does not harm me- it does not enrage me. It does not cause me to lose sleep. It does not cause me to question myself. I have detached from the responsibility to make You feel a certain way or adhere to certain language around me. I’m using that energy to focus on just existing in the best light for me. For You. For us. For them. The only thing You need to know about me if You feel I am an alien thing is simple “I come in Peace”. So please let me be in such as well. I promise I’m likely not a sign of “the end of days” and even if I were and you’re correct then don’t panic. Isn’t the afterlife for believers like You supposed to be perfection? 😉 Ps this side by side was one of the first ever made and it just hit 10 MILLION CIRCULATIONS today! 🎉 🎉 🎉 #IamI #CleanUpOnAisle7 #lgbtq #genderqueer #genderisthematrix #lovewins #BodiesArentComparable #SayYesToTheDress #youmissedaspot

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) στις

I am NOT “Female”. Therefore this nipple DOESNT violate IG guidelines and should not be removed. BUT it was after 10 days up, 51k likes and 2k comments. Oddly enough in that time period no one turned into a puddle of goo or had their eyes burned out by viewing this nipple. No one even complained that they were destroyed by seeing it. One person did say this image was “cancer” but hey they’ve said that about my fully clothed images too. Sure some people disagreed with me posting this but I know lots of people who are triggered by pro-MAGA posts, images of feet, posts about kittens being rescued from horrible situations on @thedodo. They have nightmares! It’s sad because even if I was “Female”- “Females” can have Pecs. “Males” can have Breasts. And if You argue only people with pecs are considered “Male” bodied- Pecs can be bigger than Breasts and vice versa. Both can also lactate. Both can also be fetishized. What’s so different? Also what is considered “nudity” or “naked” changes culturally globally. In some places eye contact direct to camera is considered sexual. Showing your shoulders is considered lewd. Hugs are considered worse than kisses. Etc. Aren’t you a globally reaching company? Who’s opinion is controlling what is considered sexual? Can we chat? I wouldn’t have had much of a chance at my career without my IG platform. I’m grateful for this app & what it has done to elevate my opportunities in life. I’m coming TO You. Not AT You. Please consider reviewing the language You use in your guidelines. Either make it so NO one can show their nipples or everyone can. You’re creating a division that’s reinforcing the vulnerable feelings people with breasts already feel. Fear, shame, objectification. Stop targeting & criminalizing “female bodies” specifically. A shirt off isn’t enough for a conviction of criminal intent. EVOLVE w/ ur audience! Have a neutral policy! You reach around the world IG. Therefore you can change it- simply by hanging your language. LOVE ALWAYS, RainDove (ALSO DRINK PLANT BASED MILKS WHEN POSSIBLE! These jugs are symbolic props) #IdenTITTY #genderqueer #lovewins #instagram #genderfluid #lgbtq #womensrights #VitaminDD undies @tomboyx

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) στις

“LADIES FIRST!” Still rings true apparently. “Men” wait longer in customer service spaces because they often are served or addressed second to “women”. Over a period of 3 months I timed and documented various customer service experiences while presenting as “male” or “female” aesthetically (according to common societal standards in the USA.) These spaces included bars, hotels, hailing cabs, gyms, and more. The results? As a perceived “female” I was served first 7/10 times when a line didn’t exist. As a “male” I found that being tended to “second” lead to an accumulation of about 7 hours and 45 minutes MORE time spent waiting than “females” in a three month period. That’s almost a FULL WORKING DAY lost! When I say “second” what I mean is that a customer service rep may come out and if there is no clear line they will likely show preferential treatment. I also found that as a “female” it was easier to insist that I had been there first. While as “male” when I would say “actually I got here first” I was often met with the comment “Sir please calm down” as if I were a threat. I DID notice that in tip based environments such as restaurants where the bill often is handed directly to the “male” that these biased addressing statistics tilt in the opposite direction more. But surprisingly- not much more. Some have suggested perhaps perceived “females” get treated in this way because they are seen as weak or fragile and in need of coddling or immediate care. While others I interviewed suggested perhaps “males” are asked to step back because they are taught that they aren’t worthy. Whatever it is- it’s clear. When it comes to a potential waiting period, it’s often better to go into it being socially perceived as “female”. #MatesWhoWait #EducateDontHate #lgbt #lovewins #SideBySide #Genderfluid #genderqueer #genderreveal #GenderIsTheMatrix stylist @eve_lina_j

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Rain Dove (@raindovemodel) στις

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