4+4 former ministers indicted for the Siemens scandal

A finalized number of 8 former ministers is the outcome of the invetsigation conducted by the Siemens scandal committee.

A finalized number of 8 former ministers is the outcome of the invetsigation conducted by the Siemens scandal committee. According to information from members of the committee, 4  former ministers of PASOK and 4 former ministers of the New Democracy party will be the ones indicted by the committee. The political persons involved therein are: Tasos Mandelis, Giannos Papantoniou, Nikos Christodoulakis, Mihalis Liapis, Giorgos Voulgarakis and Giorgos Alogoskoufis . According to sources from the committee, there might be some last-minute additions. The people that might be added to the indictment list might be politicians to blame for Mihalis Christoforakos and Christos Karavelas' flight.  Both PASOK and ND are holding continuous meetings on the matter.

Also worthy of note is the fact that Mr. Thanasis Pafilis (Communist Party of Greece), Dimitris Papadimoulis (SYRIZA) and Kostas Aivaliotis (LAOS) will vote against the document of events presented to them by the committee president, Mr. Sifis Valirakis.
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