Alpha-Eurobank who? We are about to fall apart!

Another day and Athens is in a stranglehold, with the dominant elements being the hazy Alpha  Bank-Eurobank deal...

Another day and Athens is in a stranglehold, with the dominant elements being the hazy Alpha  Bank-Eurobank deal, and the fact that the two Greek banks have resorted to the emergency operations fund.

According to reports, the amount pumped at a rate of 3.5% are more than 4 billion euros.

In terms of the agreement no one, not even the executives of the banks themselves, can explain the proportions of the three shareholders after the merger and recapitalization.

The General Index stood at 915.98 points, down 4.40%. The collapse was most intense two and a half hours after the meeting, with more pronounced losses appearing for Eurobank and Piraeus Bank.

National Bank closed at 3.09 euros, losing 8.31%. Alpha Bank dropped by 9.96%, Eurobank by 17.10% and Piraeus Bank by 14.7%, while TT dropped by 8.45%.

There was a drop of over 8% for Viohalco and MIG, a 6% reduction for Marfin Popular and 6.98% for Mitilinaios. Gains were recorded at 1.32% for Folli Follie and 2.38% for OTE.

Total transactions reached 73.7 million.
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