Research maps for oil drilling in Greece revealed

The Greek government had a “prepared answer” to the calls of German Vice Chancellor Roesler for the investment by the Greeks themselves in our own country, as the government committee adopted...

The Greek government had a “prepared answer” to the calls of German Vice Chancellor Roesler for the investment by the Greeks themselves in our own country, as the government committee adopted - at the recommendation of the Secretary of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Mr. Yiannis Maniatis - a plan for a call for interest for three marine sites in Patras, Katakolon and Epirus. presents the three maps from which the government estimates that 200 million, 3 million and 50-80 million barrels of oil can be mined respectively. The government’s decision indicates the start of an “open door” process from January 1st, 2012 for these areas, which will last for 6 months.

The Ministry states: “Within the near future we are aiming to amass all of our information on geological, geophysical and other investigations concentrated in Greek or international academic institutes, research centers and institutions, to make the files as complete as possible.

The participation of any and all Greek (or non-Greek) scientists is welcome, in order to improve the texts to be released”

In particular, in relation to the Patras Gulf, relatively recent seismic surveys have identified potential oil wells and interesting oil-specific geological structures. It is in fact noted that Triton did not drill back in 2001 in that specific area just because of a different business venture, as specifically noted. Drilling in the area is considered relatively hard.

In Epirus, it is estimated that an expensive, in-depth investigation four kilometers deep will be required in order to find any potential oil wells. The area was not drilled back in 2002 by Enterprise Oil due to technical reasons, as stated by the ministry.

In Katakolon, it is estimated that it is a very economically and technically advantageous potential utilization of an oil well discovered back in 1982.

Regarding this matter, Mr. Maniatis stated that “We are informing the international oil industry that we are willing to proceed with this matter and we are preparing the files and research required, but we are ready to receive any tenders by interested companies. In early 2012, there will be a relevant statement, but we wish to begin informing all stakeholders today in order to find investors”.

Replying to a related question, he stated that research is being carried out in terms of hydrocarbon deposits, i.e. gas and oil. “Many times, natural gas can be found on the upper layer of the deposits and oil in the lower”, he characteristically stated.

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