The US vice president is coming to Athens

Joe Biden, the vice president of the United States, will be in Athens on Monday, December 5, and will meet with Prime Minister George Papandreou.

Joe Biden, the vice president of the United States, will be in Athens on Monday, December 5, and will meet with Prime Minister George Papandreou.

His visit comes about 3 months after foreign minister Hilary Clinton’s and confirms the close relationship between the two countries.

America’s interest in solving the Greek debt problem has been proven and this visit comes at a time of critical decisions for Greece and Europe.

Based on what has been broadcast by the international media, president Barack Obama has pressed German Chancellor Angela Merkel several times to find an immediate solution to the debt problem plaguing Europe.
Earlier on Monday, Obama had a telephone conversation with French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

With Biden’s visit, the Greek side expects to convey a message of stability to the markets since the U.S. Vice President will give a vote of confidence to Greece and the role that it can play in the Mediterranean region, the Balkans and the European Union, despite its major problems.

Of course, it is a long time until December 5, and it will be crucial in resolving the debt crisis in Greece and the Eurozone.

Biden maintains close contacts with expatriates in America and his nomination as vice-president was greeted enthusiastically. He has expressed himself several times in favor of ending the Turkish occupation in Cyprus and given America’s interest in the cooperation between Greece, Cyprus and Israel, developments in Cyprus are expected to be high on the agenda of his visit to our country.
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