Tsipras does not recognize the loan agreement!

Parliamentary Team President Alexis Tsipras speaks of a lack of democratic legitimacy of the government in a letter sent...

Parliamentary Team President Alexis Tsipras speaks of a lack of democratic legitimacy of the government in a letter sent to European officials, in response to the commitments made in recent days by the Papademos government.

In his letter, which is addressed to the Eurozone leaders and the Presidents of the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament, Mr. Tsipras notes that the government “has not been elected, does not enjoy popular support and has consciously and systematically done everything against the will of the Greek people”.

“This government lacks the legitimacy to engage and compel a country and its people for years and generations to come”. 

He warns that even when “the Greek people restore the right to democratically express their will and regain control of their democratic institutions, they will probably be have reservations against honoring the agreements which the government is preparing to move forward with”.

He also stresses that the Greek people will not accept “any loss of sovereignty, foreign interference in the internal affairs of the country or any bulk sale of public enterprises, land and other assets, which this government is prepared to accept”.

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