Free transfers of taxi licenses

The issue of the deregulation of taxis will be dealt with in the cabinet meeting today, under prime minister Lucas Papademos.

The issue of the deregulation of taxis will be dealt with in the cabinet meeting today, under prime minister Lucas Papademos.

The council is expected to discuss the provisions of the bill prepared by Infrastructure minister Makis Voridis after discussions with representatives of motorists and other stakeholders.

As the minister stated on, the transfer of licenses will be free and will be subjected to the income tax code. That is, the transfer will be taxed at 20% on the amount of the surplus value.

However, it is clarified that the controversial issue of permits is expected to come to the negotiating table with representatives of the IMF and the EU in the coming period, as it was a point of disagreement in the recent meeting between the minister and the Troika, wh asked for further explanations on the subject.

And as stated by circles in the ministry of Infrastructure, there may be additional adjustments and improvements in the near future.
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