Papademos “chills” malperforming ministers

The first tranche of the18 billion euros for the recapitalization of banks was approved earlier in the cabinet by a legislative act...

The first tranche of the18 billion euros for the recapitalization of banks was approved earlier in the cabinet by a legislative act, a cabinet in which the PM stressed the ministers, presenting a kind of "control sheet" for performance per area of ​​responsibility.

The support package is for the four largest banks: National Bank, Alpha Bank, Eurobank and Piraeus Bank.

But there will have to be a relevant legislative act by a second cabinet meeting to approve the disbursement.

The recapitalization will come through bonds towards banks and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

So far it remains unclear whether the disbursement authorization will be given before or after the elections. There will have to be signings of general agreements on the part of the banks. The other 7 billion of the recapitalization concern the Postbank and Agricultural Bank.

Papademos’ control sheets

Ending the government year, PM Lucas Papademos has prepared assessment grades for ministers and ministries.

In cooperation with the economic team, Papademos oversaw the progress of government work over the period of his administration and made a table which shows serious conclusions about the effectiveness of certain ministers.

The evaluation was based on the efficiency of ministers in relation to the set objectives. According to information, there is a minister with only a 30% fulfillment of the program’s objectives. The highest rating reaches 80%.

The evaluation table has three lines:

- green: the objectives that have been achieved

- yellow: the objectives close to completion

- red: the objectives facing substantial problems in terms of their completion

Papademos instructed that all outstanding obligations are to be met within the week. Before the elections his office is likely to send each minister their own personal score.

According to reports however, there is no desire to publish the evaluation tables.
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