“Without asterisks, without conditions” Tsipras: We stand by the strikers

“Without asterisks, without conditions” Tsipras: We stand by the strikers

He sided with the striking doctors - "Samaras is a conductor of alarmism and fear" - "The compliance of the government has emboldened Troika” he said about the auctions

“Without asterisks, without conditions” Tsipras: We stand by the strikers
Yannis Makriyannis
SYRIZA president Alexis Tsipras used harsh language for Samaras and the government in a meeting of the Central Committee of his party at midday Sunday.
He warned the government, which he criticized for compliance against the Troika, not to proceed to the criminality of auctions and not plan any changes in the electoral system and local government or other moves aiming to downplay the political significance of the European elections.
The debate on the fourth memorandum budget was "fully revealing. It revealed the poverty of the arguments of the government majority, their embarrassment and distress before the devastating effects of their policies. It revealed SYRIZA’s overwhelming superiority of arguments, programs and processes for ending the crisis over the memorandum coalition."
He predicted that "the budget passed yesterday will not be carried out as is, but will be revised with new measures when they agree with Troika about how big the budget gap for 2014 is. It will be revised by the government of SYRIZA, for the benefit of employees, pensioners, the unemployed and the farmers. For the benefit of SMEs and the young people. For the benefit of the working world and our culture."
"The compliance of Samaras’ government has emboldened the Troika," Tsipras denounced on the fact that the representatives of Greece’s creditors will return after the holidays.
"They are extorting their borrowers openly and directly. They require the auctioning of primary residence. They behave as representatives of international speculative capital, the predatory «distress funds». They require collective layoffs in a country where unemployment is already galloping at 30%. The directorate roars in front of the compliant, fatal and spineless government of Samaras.”
Attack on Samaras
Tsipras attacked Samaras, for whom he wondered whether he is proud having sent Cyprus in the memorandum.
"Has Samaras forgotten his blatant and irresponsible populism when using children in advertisements, whose vast innocence raised in us all the fear that Greece will leave the euro? Doesn’t he remembers the lowering of the Greek flag from the masts of the European Union, advertised in his election spot? He is a conductor of alarmism, of doom and fear."
Tsipras also accused the government of trying to survive via "the only way they know. Tough austerity for their citizens, harsh repression and criminalization of resistance, scandals and gifts to the establishment. Digital frequencies, highways, Astir Vouliagmeni, ERT and HRADF are just some examples of how the financial establishment is trying to keep the political establishment of corruption and servitude alive. If the country needs a major reform, this is to finish today the political and economic system of collusion and corruption."
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