Brussels: Athanasiou presented the priorities of the Greek Presidency

The foundations of Greek politics are democracy, fairness and respect for human rights

"In matters of Justice the Greek Presidency intends to continue the efforts of all Member-States of the European Union to ensure a fairer Europe close to all Europeans, while its policies will be based on democracy, fairness and respect of human rights," Greek Justice Minister Charalambos Athanasiou said in Brussels during the proceedings of the Council of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs.

After thanking the Lithuanian chairmanship for its strenuous efforts in the field of Justice, Athanasiou said "we aspire in the same spirit, to actively contribute to the progress of measures and initiatives under Justice for growth, protection of data, as well as initiatives in the field of Criminal Law."

The Greek Justice Minister expressed the Greek Presidency’s willingness to continue the work on promoting developments in the field of freedom, security and justice.

"Reforms of legislation on personal data is a key priority for the Greek Presidency. We will continue the negotiations on legislative proposals for the protection of personal data, aiming at creating harmonized rules and principles at EU level to enhance the privacy of the individual and promote the development of the unified digital market and innovation across Europe,” Athanasiou concluded.
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