MRB trends: SYRIZA first in voting intention for national and European elections
SYRIZA gathers 21.9% vs. 21% of ND's in the voting intention for parliamentary elections and 22% compared to ND's 20.8% for the European elections
The semi-annual MRB trends record SYRIZA’s double lead against New Democracy in the voting intentions for the parliamentary and the European elections.
In the voting intention for the parliamentary elections, SYRIZA gathers 21.9% against 20% of the New Republic followed by Golden Dawn 8.9%, KKE 5%, Independent Greeks 4.8%, PASOK 4.7%, Democratic Left 3.1% and Ecologists Greens 1.5%. 4.3% of respondents chose "other party", while the proportion of “unspecified vote” reaches 24.8%.
In the voting intentions for the European elections, SYRIZA collects 22% against 21.8% of ND followed by Golden Dawn 9.1%, Independent Greeks 5.5%, KKE 5.1%, PASOK 4.9%, Democratic Left 3.2%, Ecologists Greens 2.4%, “other party” 3.2% and “unspecified vote” 23.8%.
SYRIZA maintains lead in the winning percentage with 39.6% against 34.7% of the New Republic, "No Party" is at 14.4%, "Other Party" at 7.3% and "don’t know-won’t answer" 3.9 %.
The Greek government must change its attitude toward the Troika
In the same survey, people were asked to answer the question of "what should be the attitude of the government toward the Troika from now on."
In the voting intention for the parliamentary elections, SYRIZA gathers 21.9% against 20% of the New Republic followed by Golden Dawn 8.9%, KKE 5%, Independent Greeks 4.8%, PASOK 4.7%, Democratic Left 3.1% and Ecologists Greens 1.5%. 4.3% of respondents chose "other party", while the proportion of “unspecified vote” reaches 24.8%.
In the voting intentions for the European elections, SYRIZA collects 22% against 21.8% of ND followed by Golden Dawn 9.1%, Independent Greeks 5.5%, KKE 5.1%, PASOK 4.9%, Democratic Left 3.2%, Ecologists Greens 2.4%, “other party” 3.2% and “unspecified vote” 23.8%.
SYRIZA maintains lead in the winning percentage with 39.6% against 34.7% of the New Republic, "No Party" is at 14.4%, "Other Party" at 7.3% and "don’t know-won’t answer" 3.9 %.
The Greek government must change its attitude toward the Troika
In the same survey, people were asked to answer the question of "what should be the attitude of the government toward the Troika from now on."
The percentage of those who believe that the government should put red lines against Troika and stick to them regardless of the consequences, increased by 6.2% compared with June last year (84.4% vs 78.2%).
Only 8% say that the government should accept without further negotiation the new terms of the Troika to avoid the risks of possible rupture and unforeseen consequences.
For the participants, the major problems of the Greek government are:
- decreasing unemployment 85.9%
- protecting people's income 79.2%
- ensuring public health and an adequate level of health care for citizens 78.1%
- fiscal growth 77.5%
- ensuring adequate pensions 75.3%.
Only 8% say that the government should accept without further negotiation the new terms of the Troika to avoid the risks of possible rupture and unforeseen consequences.
For the participants, the major problems of the Greek government are:
- decreasing unemployment 85.9%
- protecting people's income 79.2%
- ensuring public health and an adequate level of health care for citizens 78.1%
- fiscal growth 77.5%
- ensuring adequate pensions 75.3%.
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