ELSTAT: 2.3% decrease in the strength of the Greek merchant fleet in December

Numbers 1,897 ships at present - The total capacity of the Greek merchant fleet (ships of 100 gross tons and above) amounted to 43,978,476 gross tons in December 2013

Further reduction of 2.3% on the strength of the Greek merchant fleet (ships of 100 gross tons and above) on last December compared to the same power in December 2012, against a decrease of 3.6% recorded in the corresponding comparison of 2012 to 2011, and now the total strength reaches 1,897 ships.
According also to the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), the total capacity of the Greek merchant fleet (ships of 100 gross tons and above) amounted to 43,978,476 gross tons in December 2013 and increased by 0.8% compared to the corresponding capacity of December 2012, against growth of 0.5% recorded in the corresponding comparison of 2012 to 2011.
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