Heavy climate for Greece in the Eurogroup: They ask for an agreement by Sunday

Dijsselbloem: Troika worked hard, now Greece must act on its commitments - "It is difficult to make it until Sunday," the Greek side says

The Greek government believes that it still has the negotiations with the troika under control, despite the heavy climate Yannis Stournaras met at the Eurogroup for the failure to reach an agreement with the lenders. The positive statement of progress was secured but while the IMF eased its pressure, the European partners press for an agreement until Sunday.
“Troika worked hard for this evaluation that began in September. Now the Greek government must show whether it will implement its commitments,” Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem said. He added that "the troika envoys can not stay forever in Athens," and called for an ending to the deal until Sunday but expressed only cautious optimism.
"We can make it until Sunday but it is not easy," members of the Greek mission that participated in the Eurogroup said, meaning that the final agreement depends on the moods of Greece’s lenders.
With the assent of Dijsselbloem, the issue of banks went back in European hands after recognizing that the supervision and handling belong to the Bank of Greece, the Eurogroup has reported the results announced by the BoG and referring to the future stress tests by the European Central Bank (ECB).
The most likely scenario is the decision for the tranche of 10.1 billion euros to be taken in a conference call in March or the Eurogroup on April 1 in Athens the latest.
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