They fear more intercepted videos of talks between Baltakos-Kasidiaris

The political repercussions of the Baltakos-Kasidiaris case are being felt by the government after the tumult created by the publication of an intercepted conversation by the Golden Dawn MP.

According to sources, there are at least six more videos of former government secretary Baltakos with Golden Dawn members. Even the video shown yesterday has apparently undergone a montage, which creates new questions and suspicions that other parts of it can be used in the future by the Golden Dawn party.

After PM Antonis Samaras was filled in on the subject, he ordered State Minister Dimitris Stamatis to call Mr. Baltakos to Maximou mansion, with the latter bearing his resignation.

The explanations given by Mr. Baltakos were that he was under pressure by Mr. Kasidiaris and other Golden Dawn Members of Parliament, which were rejected without second thought.

Maximou insists that Mr. Baltakos' friendly attitude towards the Golden Dawn party is not representative of the government, and it is reminded that Mr. Samaras was the one that made it his goal to uproot the fascist phenomenon from the country.

Maximou kept a low profile on that which concerns Mr. Baltakos and his implicit dismissal from his position.

Contrary to that, it ordered Ministers Nikos Dendias and Charalampos Athanasiou to defend the core of the issue and shoot down any Golden Dawn presumptions over a “set-up”.

Mr. Dendias stated that there are over 30 outstanding criminal cases, which are factual. Mr. Athanasiou stated that there was no interference with Judicial administration. The government argues that it is a given that the prosecuted GD members are seeking a way out of the criminal cases brought against them, but it bears no validity.

At the same time that Mr. Kasidiaris was publicizing the video, however, Parliament was voting on the removal of immunity of Golden Dawn members of parliament.

Mr. Kasidiaris released the video with a six-month delay, waiting for the right moment to take advantage of it politically, in order to attempt and prevent his own prosecution and possible detention. Mr. Kasidiaris most likely to be prosecuted under Article 370 p.1&2 of the Penal Code for theft and use of illegally intercepted material.

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