Medvedev: Importing natural gas from the U.S. to the EU is a "bluff"

The Ukrainian crisis develops on many fronts

Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev characterized the debate which has been opened up on the possibility of importing natural gas from the U.S. to the EU in order to not be dependent on Russian natural gas as a "bluff".

At the same time, however, he took care to send a message stating that Moscow is considering now, more than ever, the expansion of its gas export destinations.

"We will not reduce our economic ties, but if our Western partners make this mistake, intensive work in other markets will reduce our losses", he characteristically stated, speaking in Duma, adding that Russia is developing its cooperation with countries in the Asia-Pacific region, India and China, among others.

Also, the Russian PM called for the "punishment" of U.S. companies Visa and Mastercard who applied targeted sanctions imposed by the U.S. against Russian banks judged to be affiliated with the Kremlin.

"Without any doubt, it is a violation of existing agreements. Necessary steps should be taken for these foreign providers of electronic payment systems to get back in touch with reality", argued Mr. Medvedev and added that "let us not hide behind statements of force majeure and orders of presidents and parliaments. They must answer under the current system of economic relations".

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