Conflict on the Euro debate

“River” party: It's a pity that we won't hear Mr. Tsipras's views - The debate with Juncker, Schulz, Verhofstadt and Keller is scheduled on April, 28 - SYRIZA has informed that it will not participate due to its heavy schedule

The political party “River” announced sarcastically that it is a pity that they won't have the opportunity to hear Alexis Tsipras's views on Europe during the first European debate which will be held on April 28 in Maastricht. 

Jean -Claude Juncker, Martin Schulz, Guy Verhofstadt and Ska Keller will participate in the first European debate. However, Mr. Tsipras had informed that he won't be able to attend due to his heavy schedule.

As it is mentioned in Potami's Facebook page:

“The River will watch with great interest the first European debate of the candidates for the presidency of the European Commission on Monday 28, April in Maastricht. It is the first time that the citizens of Europe will be able to watch live such a public debate, which will undoubtedly determine the future of the European Union. Unfortunately, we were informed that the candidate of the European Left, Alexis Tsipras, will not participate in the debate. It's really a pity that we will not have the chance to hear Mr.Tsipras clarifying his views on Europe and compare them with those of other candidates.”

The first European debate will be held in Maastricht and it will be coordinated by Euronews journalists, Isabelle Kumar and Chris Burns. 700 people will be in the audience while the debate will be broadcast live on Euronews in 13 languages​.
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