Giannis Maniatis: Respect for the environment is a development challenge

Environment, Energy and Climate Change Minister Giannis Maniatis and Development and Competitiveness Minister Costis Hatzidakis addressed the conference on the launching of "Sustainable Greece 2020" initiative

Respecting the environment is not just a moral obligation but also a development challenge, Environment, Energy and Climate Change Minister Giannis Maniatis said at a conference on the launching of "Sustainable Greece 2020" initiative.

According to the data the minister cited, the 27,000 areas under the EU’s "Natura 2000" programme have annual revenues of 50-80 billion euros and create 4.5-8 million jobs.

Mr. Maniatis stressed that the environment is the most significant legacy of the country and pointed out the wager is to produce wealth that respects the environment, which will be distributed in a socially fair way. He welcomed the fact that the initiative for respect to the environment comes from the business world itself as a voluntary commitment.

Development and Competitiveness Minister Costis Hatzidakis, speaking at the same conference, highlighted the need for entrepreneurship to be extrovert, innovative, competitive and at the same time consider the social cohesion and the protection of the environment.

Mr. Hatzidakis cited a phrase of the former US President Ronald Reagan, which as he said depicted Greece’s reality during the past few decades: "If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."

He pointed out, though, that because of the crisis an increasing number of people acknowledge that only healthy, extrovert, innovative and competitive entrepreneurship can create a viable growth, new wealth and jobs. And no social benefit can be more effective than a job, Hatzidakis said.
He noted that the basic characteristics of sustainable growth for Greece today is emphasis on an extrovert, innovative and competitive entrepreneurship, the enhancement of social cohesion and the respect for the environment.

The aim of the initiative for sustainable growth is the commitment of leading companies to the common vision on Sustainable Economy and Society in Greece. Its founding institutions are the Hellenic Federation of Entreprises (SEV), SEV’s Council for Sustainable Development, the Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies (SFEE), the Association of Greek Tourism Entreprises (SETE), the Association of Greek Food Industries (SEVT), the Hellenic Exchanges, the Hellenic Bank Association and the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
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