Temporary voluntary exit proposed by Piraeus Bank

Michalis Salas and Piraeus Bank have chosen an unprecedented method for the Greek market, to confront the economical crisis without having to “chop off” their employees.

Michalis Salas and Piraeus Bank have chosen an unprecedented method for the Greek market, to confront the economical crisis without having to “chop off” their employees.

News at protothema.gr say that managers at local branches have informed their employees about this 3 year “voluntary exit” program, which will bring them back at work with full work and insurance rights once it is finished.

During this period away from work, the employees will have full insurance cover, and will be receiving the 40% of their income in the 1st year, 45% the 2nd and 50% in the 3rd.

In essence, it is a kind of a sabbatical which is issued in cases of employees that want to get further education, more experience in a certain field etc.

There is no official response by the syndicalists so far, but people from the bank market say that this program might also be a solution for the public sector, provided of course, that entering such a program will not be received as obviation of permanence.

One thing is sure; this program proposed by Piraeus Bank will open a new field of discussion and juxtaposition with enthusiasts and adversaries.

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