Samaras: “Populism is in the DNA of PASOK”

The president of ND unleashed a new fierce attack on PASOK in his speech at the ND Parliamentary Group meeting.

The president of ND unleashed a new fierce attack on PASOK in his speech at the ND Parliamentary Group meeting.

He said that «Populism is in the DNA of PASOK. We are not like them and won’t be tutored on responsibility issues from the inventors of populism, those who have elevated the deception of the people into a modern science».

«Mr Papandreou was off the mark on everything, revenue, inflation, unemployment, for all the reasons we had mentioned. We studied the Memorandum and took our time» he said, nibbling on «those who rushed to vote for the Memorandum without reading it first».

«Almost immediately we provided another way out of this crisis. We put our backs up against the difficulties when the Government refused to take any measures, saying that Greece is a corrupt country» he added.  

He underlined that his party proposed a way out not by suffocating the people but through development, stating that the politics of PASOK plunge the country deeper into recession.

ND said no to the Memorandum, Mr Samaras explained, because the Government's program does not strike against prodigality or tax evasion, and its politics put the country in a vicious circle of recession which absorbs most of the sacrifices.

«We need lower tax rates, a more objective calculating system and a simpler tax system».

Referring to the Government's economic policy, Mr Samaras also pointed out that PASOK did not check the debt, and that is why, he explained, the spreads are not resolved.

«Now, everybody agrees with what ND was saying then, including the ministers» he added.  
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