Ana Maria Bărbosu was awarded her bronze medal from the Floor Gymnastics contest. Ceremony held at the Olympic House in Bucharest today.#Paris2024 #Olympics #JeuxOlympiques2024 #OlympicGamesParis2024 pic.twitter.com/Y4b7DVzbhH
— Emanuel Roşu (@Emishor) August 16, 2024
O momento em que Ana Barbosu recebe sua medalha de bronze!
— Sisi • Esportes Olímpicos 🛹 (@sisiesportes) August 16, 2024
Ela e Sabrina também ganharam, assim como os outros medalhistas romenos, um carro Hyundai Bayon personalizado, além de seguro de vida e plano de saúde pelos próximos 4 anos. pic.twitter.com/DwWoccsUAz
Ana Bărbosu 🇹🇩🤎
— GYMeme (@GYMemeDeArkan) August 16, 2024
"I can't help but think about Sabrina and Jordan. It's a difficult situation for us. I hope everyone understands that we did nothing wrong at the Olympics.
I want to believe that the day will come when all three of us will receive a bronze medal each.” pic.twitter.com/0PVoDL3caV
Η Τζόρνταν Τσάιλς τοποθετήθηκε μέσω των social media χαρακτηρίζοντας «άδικη» την απόφαση. Η ομοσπονδία γυμναστικής των ΗΠΑ (USA Gymnastics), υποσχέθηκε να «διερευνήσει όλες τις πιθανές οδούς και διαδικασίες έφεσης» ώστε η αθλήτρια να πάρει πίσω το μετάλλιό της.Jordan Chiles has called the decision to effectively give her bronze medal to Romanian gymnast Ana Barbosu "unjust" and "a significant blow." https://t.co/CHKC0y3ybJ pic.twitter.com/Q2H7DPObg3
— USA TODAY Sports (@usatodaysports) August 16, 2024