The ascender of China's Chang'e-6 probe lifted off from lunar surface on Tuesday morning, carrying samples collected from the moon's far side, an unprecedented feat in human lunar exploration history.
— China News 中国新闻网 (@Echinanews) June 4, 2024
The ascender has entered a preset orbit around the moon, said the China… pic.twitter.com/aaQdT2jn9w
🎥 First spacecraft taking off from the Moon's far side goes to Chang'e-6 https://t.co/l2sX4Bfsus pic.twitter.com/Duel3j32Ep
— China 'N Asia Spaceflight 🚀𝕏 🛰️ (@CNSpaceflight) June 4, 2024
Here it is. Footage of Chang'e-6 on the Moon's far side https://t.co/bTYcU4yRBk pic.twitter.com/yt1gokb59B
— China 'N Asia Spaceflight 🚀𝕏 🛰️ (@CNSpaceflight) June 4, 2024
After collecting lunar samples from the far side, Chang'e-6's ascender fired it's 3000N engine at 23:38UTC on June 3rd. 6 minutes later, it entered 15*180km lunar orbit. With 4 more orbital maneuvers, it will climb to 210km lunar orbit to rendezvous with the returner. https://t.co/UccIAghpQG pic.twitter.com/WF00aUPgxV
— China 'N Asia Spaceflight 🚀𝕏 🛰️ (@CNSpaceflight) June 4, 2024