Floodwaters inundate Santo Stefano Hospital in Prato as #StormCiaran hits Tuscany leaving atleast six dead #Italy #Toscano #flood #Storm #Ciaran #Flooding #Prato #Tuscany #alluvione #Inondazione #PioggeViolente #Mareggiate #Italyflood #flashflood #rain #viral #weather #climate pic.twitter.com/eljGbcNDHA
— Earth42morrow (@Earth42morrow) November 3, 2023
🚨Heavy downpours hit central #Italy overnight. According to the latest data, five people have died, the government will declare a state of emergency in #Tuscany.#Weather #WeatherUpdate #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #meteo #Rains pic.twitter.com/UOMuktlJfx
— Alexandru Judeu (@AlexandruJudeu) November 3, 2023
#Tuscany #storm and #floods ravage central #Italy leaving six dead #ciaran #stormciaran https://t.co/iMcm8bCozb
— Monica Tedde (@MonicaTedde) November 4, 2023
#Maltempo #Toscana, elicottero Drago 53 dei #vigilidelfuoco in sorvolo sulle aree alluvionate in provincia di #Prato#3novembre #alluvione pic.twitter.com/RsBSPhozqV
— Vigili del Fuoco (@vigilidelfuoco) November 3, 2023