Next up are my favorite movies and TV shows of 2019. Of course, there’s also American Factory, a film from our own production company, Higher Ground, that was recently shortlisted for an Oscar. Here’s the full list: pic.twitter.com/PEcgwotcxm
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) December 29, 2019
Michelle walking in on Obama watching that scene pic.twitter.com/JUgSH8rFwZ
— Tendrin (@Tendrin) December 30, 2019
— Greg Finch (@Finchmeister) December 29, 2019
He waited an entire season to put it on his “best of” list. He’s that classy!
— Spottless Marxx (@SpottlessMarxx) December 29, 2019
I would have given my right arm to have been in the room with Obama when he saw that scene.
— J LeMay (@jessilemay) December 29, 2019
he watched fleabag season 2 meaning that he also watched the first season which includes a scene where fleabag beats her meat to his speech https://t.co/TSkaYytu1k
— low budget willem dafoe (@jjomarch) December 29, 2019
ok i'm gonna try to be calm about this but doesn't the Fleabag pilot have a scene where she MASTURBATES TO AN OBAMA SPEECH pic.twitter.com/py7I5FVI6T
— Tony Tulathimutte (@tonytula) December 29, 2019
I couldn’t be more delighted by today’s news that Barack Obama not only watched an episode of British TV where the main character sorted herself out to one of his speeches, but then put it on his Best of 2019 list. #Fleabag #BarackObama pic.twitter.com/FGl2F9s7Ta
— Stephanie Felton (@FeltonStephanie) December 29, 2019
I feel like people aren’t fully processing the fact that we now know Obama has seen that episode of Fleabag where Phoebe Waller Bridge masturbates to one of his speeches https://t.co/dW056MQkOq
— Josh Price (@JoshingPrice) December 29, 2019